Colin Little's Service Year Adventure!
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Colin Little's Service Year Adventure!
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Hello Friends and Family!

Wow, what a year it has been. As you know, I was scheduled to travel to Nepal in the summer of 2020, but due to the pandemic, the trip was cancelled. It has been up in the air whether or not we would be able to go this summer, and I have been working on my community service hours recently just in case. Sadly, I learned just recently that Covid is still very active in Nepal and flights are unavailable, so YouthIinc has decided to divert my humanitarian trip to Peru. I am so excited to be able to still participate in the humanitarian trip and I will be leaving July 9th! Right now Peru's hospitals (specifically in Iquitos, which is the largest city near our team site) are NOT overwhelmed, community spread is stable, and vaccination efforts are moving swiftly forward in the country as a whole. 

I am really looking forward to this life changing experience in Peru and gaining a better understanding of different cultures. Being able to help those in need has always been something I have enjoyed doing. Of the people living in Peru, over 20% are living below the poverty line, and I hope to be able to help in some way. I will be working in the village of Nuevo San Juan. There will be community health fairs, vocational training, English teaching, home visits, and plenty of cultural exchange opportunities for me. I am very excited to learn from the people in Peru and I am sure I will get just as much out of this partnership as they will (if not more).

The total cost of my trip to Peru is $3799 and I need to raise this amount by June 1st. I am asking you for help to reach my goal. Please consider donating to my humanitarian trip, which is tax deductable. Thank you in advance!


Colin Little

ABOUT Nepal 2 Participants

These social fundraising pages are for the exclusive use of Youthlinc Service Year participants. Any accounts created by individuals other than Service Year participants will be deleted and funds raised will NOT be returned to the individual or their donors.

Youthlinc is a Utah non-profit organization dedicated to creating lifetime humanitarians through local and international service. Service Year students contribute 80 hours of local service before their international service trip. In monthly meetings, students - mentored by adult professionals - take leadership roles in planning educational, community health, business development, vocational training and cultural exchange initiatives that are implemented in a small village outside Kathmandu, Nepal next summer. To learn more about our Service Year, visit our website

Credit card donors: The name, address, zip you enter must be the same as on your Statement or you will receive an error message & your card will be declined. 

Name Date Amount Comments
Jessica Guynn 06/01/2021 $155.00  
Bridgett Ellis 05/31/2021 $100.00 Good luck Colin
Tom & Deanna Jones 05/27/2021 $515.24 You made quite an impression on us Colin. You are a fine young man and it will be our pleasure to follow your experiences. Rock On!
Gary Lauer 05/26/2021 $309.27  
Jacob Arnold 05/26/2021 $100.00 Good luck! Let us know if we can help with anything. Jake and Jen
Eliot Ward 03/04/2020 $50.00 This sounds like such an amazing experience!
Tina Bullen 03/01/2020 $100.00 Best of luck in your experience...
Kent-Rosemary Evans 02/28/2020 $200.00 Good luck on this great endeavor. This is such an unselfish, caring act to help others. Hats off to you. We love you.
Andy Dischmann 02/25/2020 $300.00  
Zona Keyes 02/21/2020 $100.00 Dearest Colin. WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU for giving your time, energy and love to such a wonderful cause!!!! NOTHING will give you more happiness and peace and FEEL as good as giving service!!!! WE LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH!!!! Gaga & Grandpa Mike
JoAnn & Chuck Remington 02/02/2020 $500.00 This is going to be an exciting trip for you. So pleased you have this opportunity. Love, G & G
Steve Palmer 01/06/2020 $100.00 Great job and good luck!
Rheim Penman 01/06/2020 $20.00  
Clint Womack 01/05/2020 $200.00  
Christopher Little 01/04/2020 $100.00 I’m so proud of you. The $50 was from Cory & Sandra. I want to congratulate you. If you need Cory’s email let me know. Love you
Christopher Little 01/04/2020 $50.00  
Raymond DeWitt 01/04/2020 $100.00  
David Shipley 12/31/2019 $200.00 Incredible program....Both parents must be extremely proud!!! Good Luck, Colin
Justin Restaino 12/31/2019 $100.00 What an incredible young man and the journey you're about to take. This experience will build your character and mold you into the incredible human being you'll surely grow to be. I pray that you be used as God's instrument to give hope to those who need it and to be a light in the darkness that surrounds us. J
Bobby Caruso 12/31/2019 $200.00 great work good luck be safe
Holly Wren 12/30/2019 $150.00 Good luck Colin! Excited for your adventure.
Kenneth Okazaki 12/30/2019 $150.00 Good luck Colin!
  Total $3,799.51